In the backstage of a theatre, an ageing actress named Chayka struggles to remember why she is there. A young woman arrives to remind her: tonight she must play the part of Arkadina in Chekhov’s The Seagull.
It will be her final role. As her memory fades, not knowing quite who she is nor the part she is meant to be playing, she is determined at least to give this last performance. In her struggle and descent, reality and fiction intersect. She tries to keep to the plot, but the conflict with her son Konstantin, and the repeated abandonments of her lover Trigorin, soon plunge her back into her past.
There, she reconnects with the young actress she once was when she played another role – that of Nina. Her favourite part, Nina is the young actress who finds a way, somehow, to keep going. Through her, another Chayka emerges: the fighter who gets back to her feet to carve out a new form of theatre, another space for acting and life.
Like the characters in The Seagull, Chayka navigates between past and future, disappointment and hope – and keeps going in spite of everything.
Told in a dreamlike style, this duo performance for one actress and one puppet is the first piece from the Belgo-Chilean Company Tchaïka.
Award for Best Performance and Best Actress by Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile (Chile) in 2018.
Audience Award for Best Stage Direction by Premios Clap (Chile) in 2018.
Maeterlinck Prize of the Critics (Belgium) category « Best Solo Show » in 2020.
Nominated for the Maeterlinck Prize of the Critics (Belgium) category « Best Actress » in 2020.
Grand Prize at the XXIX International Festival of Bieslko Biala in 2022 (Poland).
Cast & credits
Direction Natacha Belova et Tita Iacobelli
Outside eye Nicole Mossoux
Set design Natacha Belova
Performed by Tita lacobelli
Assistant director Edurne Rankin
Dramaturgical assistant Rodrigo Gijón
Set design assistant Gabriela González
Lighting design Gabriela González, Christian Halkin
Set construction Guy Carbonnelle, Aurélie Borremans
Sound design Gonzalo Aylwin, Simón González
Music Simón González based on Rafael Hernández’s song La Pobre Gaviota
Lighting and effects engineer Franco Peñaloza
Production Javier Chávez – IFO Asbl
Teaser Pedro Lorca, Simon Breeveld
Photography Michael Gálvez
Graphic design Augusto Gómez
Chayka is an Tchaïka ASBL production made with the support of the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes of Chile, of the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles-arts de la scène-service interdisciplinaire. It is co-produced by Mars – Mons arts de la scène, Théâtre Des Martyrs in Brussels, and Atelier Jean Vilar in Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Past Dates
2 July : Pleven International Festival, Pleven (Bulgaria)
3 June : A.B.C. Dijon, Dijon (France)
1 June : La Comédie de Ferney, Ferney-Voltaire (France)
24 May : Théâtre Antoine Vitez, Ivry-sur-Seine (France)
21-22 May : Fondazione Teatro di Roma – Teatro India, Rome (Italy)
20 April : Festival SaperliPuppet, La Chapelle-sur-Erdre (France)
19 April : Théâtre Le Dôme, Saumur (France)
17 April : QUAI 9, Lanester (France)
8 April : Teatro Franco Parenti di Milano, Milan (Italy)
6 April : ITC Teatro di San Lazzaro / Teatro dell’Argine, Bologna (Italy)
19-24 March : Théâtre des Marionnettes de Genève, Genève (Switzerland)
15-16 February : La MaMa, New York (USA)
26-28 January : Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival, Chicago (USA)
4-19 October : Théâtre CorpArtes, Santiago (Chile)
2-3 June : Festival Perspectives, Saarbrücken/Sarreguemines (Germany)
25-26 May : NuQ Treff Festival, Tallinn (Estonia)
23 May : TESZT Festival, Timisoara (Roumania)
16 May : Théâtre Pannon Várszínház, Veszprém (Hungary)
28 April : Teatro di Pergine (Italy)
26 April : Maison Culturelle d’Ath (Belgium)
4-5 April : Le Palace, Périgueux (France)
2 April : Théâtre Olympe de Gouges, Montauban (France)
31 March : Le Chai, Carcassonne (France)
21 March : Festival MARTO, Clamart (France)
14-15 March : Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan (Italy)
15 February : Centre Culturel – Le Tremplin, Festival Paroles d’Hommes, Liège (Belgium)
10 February : L’Hectare – Le Minotaure, Vendôme (France)
9 February : L’Escale, Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire (France)
7 February : Centre André Malraux, Hazebrouck (France)
3 February : Festival du Théâtre de Marionnettes de Belfort (France)
31 January : L’Agora, Bonneville (France)
28 January : Salle Bouzet, Cestas (France)
26 January : Théâtre de la tête noire, Sarran (France)
24 January : Espace Culturel Colmont, Gorron (France)
19-20 January : Auditorium du Pont des Arts, Cesson-Sévigné (France)
17 January : Centre Culturel de Dinant (Belgium)
24-25 November : Théâtre François Ponsart, Vienne (France)
22 November : La Mouche Théâtre, St-Genis-Laval (France)
19 November : Le Train-Théâtre, Portes-lès-Valence (France)
17 November : Théâtre des Collines, Annecy (France)
15 November : Saint-Gennis-Pouilly (France)
12 November : Centre Culturel Neimenster (Luxembourg)
5 November : Cultural Center Alter Schlachthof (Belgium)
25 October : Nebia, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland)
20-23 October : EPCC Théâtre, Bourg en Bresse (France)
15 October : La Courée – centre culturel, Paris (France)
7 October : Le Cargo, Segré-en-Anjou-Bleu (France)
16-19 September : Katona Teatro, Budapest (Hungary)
21-22 July : The Canary Islands (Spain)
16 July : Festival RéciDives, Dives-sur-Mer (France)
8-10 July : Théâtre de l’île, Nouméa (New Caledonia)
23 May : Théâtre Banialuka, Bielsko-Biala (Poland)
18 May : Centre Culturel Ciney (Belgium)
13 May : Théâtre à La Coque, Hennebont (France)
6 May : Centre Culturel de Sambreville (Belgium)
23 April : Centre Culturel Floreffe (Belgium)
17-19 March : Théâtre Kokolampoe (French Guiana)
4 March : Pôle Culturel Bernay (France)
24 February : Comines Warneton (Belgium)
28-29 January : Festival Santiago Off, Santiago (Chile)
16-23 January : tour in the schools of Maule (Chile)
14-15 January : Teatro Municipal Maule, Curicó (Chile)
5-9 January : Teatro Finis Terrae, Santiago (Chile)
15 December : Maubeuge (France)
11-12 December : Parme (Italy)
30 November : L’Estive (France)
27 November : Mairie de Thuir (France)
25 November : Nîmes (France)
9 November : Oloron-Sainte-Marie (France)
12-16 October : FWB Théâtre National, Brussels (Belgium)
8-9 September : Théâtre Marni, Brussels (Belgium)
2-5 September : Titirimundi Festival, Segovia (Spain)
31 August : Propulse, Brussels (Belgium)
24 October : Titirimundi, Ourense (Spain)
23 October : Titirimundi, Santander (Spain)
21 October : Titirimundi, Badajoz (Spain)
14-15 October : Le Manège, Mons (Belgium)
3-4 October : Lutke Festival, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
26-27 September : Festival J-365, Charleville-Mézières (France)
23 September : Maison de la Culture de Tournai (Belgium)
4 September : Festival Pannopticum (Autria)
4-15 February : Atelier Théâtre Jean Vilar, Louvain la Neuve (Belgium)
25 October : Festival Identidades, Antofagasta (Chili)
3-20 October : Théâtre Des Martyrs, Brussels (Belgium)
28 September : Festival Marionnettissimo, Toulouse (France)
25-26 September : Festival Mondial de la Marionnette, Charleville-Mézières (France)
8 September : Centro Cultural Cárcel de Valparaíso, Valparaíso (Chile)
16-17 August : Teatro Sidarte, Santiago (Chile)
7-8 August : Royal Festival de Spa, Spa (Belgium)
6-8 July : Mons arts de la scène/Festival au Carré Mons (Belgium)
16-17 June : Festival La Rebelión de los Muñecos, Santiago (Chile)
22-25 May : Teatro Nacional, Santiago (Chile)
17-18 May : Centre Culturel Puente Alto (Chile)
26 April-12 May : Teatro Universidad Finis Terrae Providencia (Chile)
17 April : Teatro Municipal de Curicó (Chile)
4-5 April : Festival de Teatro del BioBio, Concepción (Chile)
12-15 January : Festival Santiago a Mil, Santiago (Chile)
Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Arts de la scène
Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Commission Communautaire Française